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Business Coaching

Life, Balance & Success

Business success is more than simply networking meetings, social media posts, and updated blogs. Business success is more than doing good work, having a good product, and pretty packaging. Business success is work. Business success is a journey. Does your business REPRESENT how you want to show up in the world?

Business success has to align with our passion OR what’s the point? Let’s get to the HEART and the ROOT of what is most important to you beyond the math. Top33 will help you discover that passion, the fire and the purpose in your work (your why!). Together, we will help you create a vision for your business that also represents how you want to manifest that purpose out into the world.

Personal Coaching

Life & Wellness

Breathe. Shine. Live: The Art of Nourishing Life (Yang Sheng) is about each of us as individuals exploring and discovering what it truly means for us to be whole, to feel whole and live out their greatest purpose and potential.

Underneath the surface, Classical Chinese medicine offers more than acupuncture needles and herbal remedies, it is a philosophy, a way of living, a way of seeing/viewing the world; it is us learning to show up in the world as our best selves fully and confidently.

The Breathe. Shine. Live! program is intended to bring clarity to the path forward and help you attain your goals while discovering who you are in health and wholeness.